Search Marketing

Optimise your content

When your customers feel a need for something you are offering, the first thing they do is search online. Do you show up on their search? With us, you CAN.

Google SEO and SEM

How we can assist you in Search Marketing

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

A beautiful website with tons of useful and valuable information but still not getting the intended traffic? The chances are that your content is not being optimised enough for the search engines such as Google and Bing to show your content to your customers. By ensuring that your content is relevant to your customers’ needs and strategically placing keywords in your content, you can increase your organic search ranking. Periodically refreshing your website contents, establishing site authority, building links and including meta description tags are other tactics to drive traffic to your website organically. 

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

With Search Engine Marketing, you can pay to place your website in front of your customers who are actively seeking products and services you offer. SEM is a cost-effective way to convert your prospects into customers by positioning your offers in the ‘Ads’ slot on the first page of the search engine research pages. By choosing high performing keywords to bid on and strategically grouping these keywords across your content, you can achieve higher click-through rates from your advertisement.

Our Approach

At Enfinite Digital, we take a holistic approach to digital solutions consultation. Rather than pushing all the services that we offer, which you may never need, at a ridiculously high price is something which we refrain from. Here’s our approach:

01. Understand your business

Whether you are a hospitality business, an e-commerce site, an educational institution or a real estate agent, your strategies to reach your target customers will be different. So the first thing our social marketing specialist will do is understand the nature of your business.

02. Establish your needs

With an in-depth understanding of your business and your customers, we will work with you to define what you want to achieve and determine the KPIs. It could be to increase your web presence, build brand authority, increase website traffic, generate leads or drive conversions.

03. Audit current strategies

As the next step, we will analyse your business’s current social marketing strategies, including your organic presence and paid initiatives, and how your activities measure against the set objectives. 

04. Suggest best solutions 

With the groundwork complete, we will identify any gaps and opportunities to devise a customised social marketing plan to boost your organic and/or paid search results. 

05. Review

Our service does not just stop at providing solutions - we believe in delivering the desired results. And the only way to do it is to evaluate our performance against the set KPIs. We will provide all the relevant measurement data to your team to see how well your social marketing strategies have been performing. 

So, why do you need a Search Marketing Strategy

Promote your website's visibility

Increase brand exposure and awareness

more traffic

Increase conversion and revenue

What will we do for you?

Provide high ranking keywords

Optimise keywords in your content

Suggest best bidding strategies

Suggest best SEM platforms to invest in

Suggest best SEM ad types for your business

Analyze the performance and grow audience

Can I do it on my own?

Indeed you can! If you have enough human resources, knowledge and time, you can do it on your own. If not, let us work for you. Working with result-driven companies such as Enfinite Digital gives you the confidence to make those social marketing strategies work wonders for your company.

Need more information?

We know outsourcing a business component is not an easy decision; it may be the first time for some of you. That’s why our team is here to answer any question you may have and help in making an informed Digital decision.

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